
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bringing Awesome to Weirdos Everywhere

Robot Messenger Bag by ArtsiBitsi
Recently I was asked to explain why I sell almost exclusively online, through Etsy, rather than through gift shops and bricks-and-mortar stores.  Aren't most people more comfortable shopping in person, where they can pick up and examine an item before deciding to buy it?  What kind of person would buy a backpack or messenger bag online -- solely from pictures?

I can relate.  I would never buy an avocado online.  And fortunately I don't have to, because there are lots of supermarkets that sell avocados.  I can squish as many real avocados as I like before deciding which one I want to buy.  (I don't really squish the avocados -- I'm just saying, I could.)

But suppose I am a weirdo from Smallville, Kansas and I want a sweet skull backpack or cthulhu messenger bag.  My local Walmart doesn't carry them and neither does the mall.  Shopping online is the best solution for a quirky non-conformist like me.

So my online shop is like a beacon and gathering place for fellow nerds, geeks, oddballs and weirdos worldwide.  Through the power of the interwebs, I am able to connect with cool people across the pond and down under.  

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